[1]杨仙 陈芸霖 殷跃辉 易鑫 杨敏 崔犇.女性乳腺癌相关性心房颤动的研究现状[J].心血管病学进展,2023,(8):676.[doi:10.16806/j.cnki.issn.1004-3934.2023.08.002]
 YANG Xian,CHEN Yunlin,YIN Yuehui,et al.Research Status of Female Breast Cancer Associated Atrial Fibrillation[J].Advances in Cardiovascular Diseases,2023,(8):676.[doi:10.16806/j.cnki.issn.1004-3934.2023.08.002]





Research Status of Female Breast Cancer Associated Atrial Fibrillation
杨仙1 陈芸霖2 殷跃辉12 易鑫1 杨敏1 崔犇1
(1.重庆医科大学研究生院,重庆 400010;2.重庆医科大学附属第二医院心血管内科,重庆 400010)
YANG Xian1CHEN Yunlin2YIN Yuehui12YI Xin1YANG Min1CUI Ben1
(1.Chongqing Medical University Graduate School,Chongqing 400010,China2. Department of Cardiology,The Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University,Chongqing 400010,China)
Atrial fibrillationBreast cancerMechanismAnticoagulation
Atrial fibrillation and breast cancer are both common clinical diseases,and their incidence and prevalence are increasing. Studies have shown that women with breast cancer have a higher risk of atrial fibrillation than the general population,but the mechanism is not completely clear. In addition,women are one of the risk factors for stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation,and the presence of breast cancer will increase the risk of ischemia and bleeding,making it difficult to predict the anticoagulant effect. At present,there is no authoritative guideline to recommend anticoagulant regimen for patients with breast cancer and atrial fibrillation. This article reviews the epidemiology,mechanism and anticoagulant therapy of female breast cancer-associated atrial fibrillation


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更新日期/Last Update: 2023-09-21