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Status and Prospect of Anti-inflammatory Therapeutic Pathway for Coronary Heart Disease
王大震 俞梦越
(中国医学科学院阜外医院,北京 100037)
WANG Dazhen YU Mengyue
(Fuwai Hospital,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences,Beijing 100037,China)
Anti-inflammatory pathwayCoronary heart diseaseAnti-inflammatory therapy
Coronary heart disease is considered as an inflammatory disease,and anti-inflammatory therapy has become a hope to further reduce the residual risk of coronary heart disease. Recently,there have been several large cardiovascular outcomes trials of anti-inflammatory therapy targeting different anti-inflammatory pathways in coronary heart disease, and some valuable conclusions have been obtained. This article reviews the status and prospect of anti-inflammatory therapeutic pathway for coronary heart disease.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2022-08-22