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siRNA Antihypertensive Drug Zilebesiran
关芳 康雅隆 谭娟娟 齐鸿飞 秦墁 王若楠 王海芳
(陕西中医药大学 陕西省及咸阳市中西医结合心血管病防治重点实验室,陕西 咸阳 712000)
GUAN FangKANG YalongTAN JuanjuanQI HongfeiQIN ManWANG RuonanWANG Haifang
(Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine,Shaanxi Province and Xianyang Key Laboratory of Integrative Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine for the Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases,Xianyang 712000,Shaanxi,China)
ZilebesiranHypertensionSmall interfering RNAAngiotensinogen
Hypertension is one of the important risk factors of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. At present,the incidence rate of hypertension in China is high,while the awareness rate,diagnosis rate and treatment rate are relatively low. The pathogenesis of hypertension is complex,not fully understood,and has significant individual differences. At present,oral antihypertensive drugs are the main treatment method in Western medicine,with short medication intervals and poor compliance. Blood pressure control is still not enough in some patients after combination therapy. Zilebesiran is a new type of small interfering RNA antihypertensive drug that is still in the clinical research stage. It is proposed to specifically prevent the gene expression of liver angiotensinogen messenger RNA,thereby reducing the synthesis of angiotensinogen and achieving antihypertensive goals. The drug acts at a upstream site of traditional antihypertensive drugs,with a more comprehensive and potent effect,long half-life,and significantly reduced frequency of dosing. Current research findings suggest that its short-term use has good tolerability and safety. The aim is to introduce the mechanism of action and the preliminary results of clinical trials of zilebesiran ,including its efficacy and safety,in order to enhance the comprehensive understanding of this drug among researchers in relevant fields in China.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2025-01-08