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Pay Attention to Management of Non-Traditional Vascular Health Risk Factors Related to Sleep Disorders and Chronic Inflammation
蒋姗彤1 王宏宇 123
(1.北京大学首钢医院血管医学中心,北京 100144;2.北京大学医学部血管健康研究中心,北京 100144;3.分子心血管学教育部重点实验室(北京大学)
JIANG Shantong1 WANG Hongyu123
(1. Department of Vascular Medicine,Peking University Shougang Hospital,Beijing 100144,China; 2. Vascular Health Research Center of Peking University Health Science Center(VHRC-PKUHSC),Beijing 100144,China; 3.Key Laboratory of Molecular Cardiovascular Sciences,Ministry of Education,Beijing 100191,China)
Vascular healthNon-traditional vascular health risk factorsVascular medicine
Vascular related diseases of the heart,brain and peripheral vascular system sustained injury human health. Changing the above situation requires changing the previous diagnosis and treatment mode. Non-traditional risk factors such as disease status of multiple systems,sleep disorder and chronic inflammation in sub-health and even health status can affect human vascular health. We should pay more attention to the impact on vascular health of risk factors that have not been paid enough attention or not been identified in the past while focusing only on traditional conventional risk factors. Further attention to non-traditional vascular health risk factors based on a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the research field of vascular medicine will provide new ideas and broaden new horizons for the prevention and control of vascular related diseases and the lifelong maintenance of vascular health


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更新日期/Last Update: 2023-01-31