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Dysfunctional Mechanism of K ATP Channel in Heart Failure Induced by Ferroptosis
汪志诚 张子玥 邹紫莹 张代民
(南京医科大学附属逸夫医院心内科,江苏 南京 211112)
WANG Zhicheng ZHANG Ziyue ZOU Ziying ZHANG Daimin
(Department of Cardiology, Sir Run Run Hospital, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 211112, Jiangsu, China)
KATP channel ferroptosis heart failure arrhythmias
Heart failure is a global cardiovascular disease characterized by poor clinical prognosis and high mortality. ATP-sensitive potassium channels (KATP channels) play pivotal roles in excitable cells and link cellular metabolism with membrane excitability. The action potential converts electricity into dynamics by ion channels mediated by ion exchange, which generates the systole that composes every heartbeat. Activation of the KATP channel repolarizes the membrane potential and decreases the occurrence of early after-depolarization-mediated arrhythmias. Cardiac K ATP channels have less function under physiological conditions and open during severe and prolonged anoxia due to reduced adenosine triphosphate/adenosine diphosphate ratio, lessening cellular excitability, thus preventing action potential generation and cell contraction. Accumulated evidence indicated that ferroptosis may cause damage to the K ATP channel. Hence , in the study, we describe the potential damage role of ferroptosis in the KATP channel, lucubrating the potential mechanisms and insight into the clinical therapeutic strategy


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-07-26