[1]贾朗 张伟 薛艳 陈娅君 汪汉 谢江.幼年特发性关节炎和代谢综合征各组分的相关性研究[J].心血管病学进展,2024,(6):571.[doi:10.16806/j.cnki.issn.1004-3934.2024.06.021]
 JIA Lang,ZHANG Wei,XUE Yan,et al.The Relationship Between Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis and Various Components of?he Metabolic Syndrome[J].Advances in Cardiovascular Diseases,2024,(6):571.[doi:10.16806/j.cnki.issn.1004-3934.2024.06.021]





The Relationship Between Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis and Various Components of?he Metabolic Syndrome
贾朗12 张伟3 薛艳2 陈娅君2 汪汉2 谢江2
(1.西南医科大学临床医学院,四川 泸州 646000;2.成都市第三人民医院,四川 成都 610031;3.电子科技大学医学院附属妇女儿童医院 成都市妇女儿童中心医院儿童风湿免疫科,四川 成都 611731)
JIA Lang12ZHANG Wei3XUE Yan2CHEN Yajun2WANG Han2XIE Jiang12
?1.School of Clinical Medicine,Southwest Medical University,Luzhou 646000,Sichuan,China;2.The Third People’s Hospital of Chengdu,Chengdu 610031,Sichuan,China;3.Pediatric Immunology and Rheumatology Department,Chengdu Women’s and Children’s CentralHospital,School of Medicine,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,Chengdu 611731,Sichuan,China)
Juvenile idiopathic arthritisMetabolic syndromeCardiovascular risk
目的 分析幼年特发性关节炎(JIA)患者代谢综合征(MetS)各组分[腰围、血压、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)、甘油三酯(TG)、空腹血糖]发生情况,及探索JIA与代谢异常风险是否相关及相关因素。方法 收集2020年1月—2022年12月西南医科大学附属医院、成都市第三人民医院、成都市妇女儿童中心医院确诊的JIA患者140例作为病例组,以及儿童保健门诊接受体检儿童140例作为对照组,比较两组患儿之间MetS各组分发生情况,及探索JIA患者代谢异常发生的可能因素。结果 两组患儿的HDL-C、TG有统计学差异(P<0.05),体重指数、腰围、血压、空腹血糖均无统计学差异(P>0.05);与对照组比较,JIA患者的MetS二项指标异常检出率更高(P=0.004),MetS三项及以上指标的异常检出率在组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);JIA患者的白蛋白、血红蛋白显著下降,天冬氨酸转氨酶、肌酐显著升高(P<0.05),丙氨酸转氨酶、尿素、尿酸无统计学差异(P>0.05)。疾病活动度(DAS28评分)与空腹血糖呈正相关(r=0.240,P=0.004),与HDL-C呈负相关(r=﹣0.402,P<0.01),而与体重指数、腰围、血压、TG无关系(P>0.05)。多因素logistic回归分析发现,DAS28评分和病程是JIA合并MetS的独立危险因素(P<0.05)。结论 JIA与MetS无显著相关性,但JIA中DAS28评分与MetS患病风险增加有关,提示JIA患者的炎症活动在MetS中可能起着重要作用。
Objective To analyze the prevalence of Various Components of metabolic syndrome(MetS)(waist circumference,blood pressure,HDL-C,TG,fasting blood glucose)in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis(JIA),and to explore whether JIA is associated with the risk of metabolic abnormality and its related factors. Methods Included in this study were 140 patients diagnosed with JIA in the Affiliated Hospital of Southwest Medical University,the Third People’s Hospital of Chengdu,and the Chengdu Women’s and Children’s Center Hospital from January 2020 to December 2022. 140 children who underwent physical examination from the child health clinic were selected as the control group.The prevalence of Components of MetS in the study group and control group were compared,and the possible factors of metabolic abnormalities in patients with JIA were explored. Results There were statistical differences in High density lipoprotein cholesterol(HDL-C) and triglycerides(TG)between the two groups (P<0.05),and no statistical differences in BMI,waist circumference,blood pressure,and fasting blood glucose (P>0.05). Compared with the control group,the detection rate of two abnormalities of MetS was higher in patients with JIA (P=0.004). There were no statistical differences in the detection rate of three or more abnormalities of MetS between groups(P>0.05).The patients with JIA had significant reductions in albumin and Hb and significant increases in aspertate transaminase and creatinine( P<0.05),while there were no statistical differences in alanine transaminase,urea and uric acid between groups(P>0.05). The level of d isease activity (DAS28) was positively correlated with fasting blood glucose (r=0.240,P=0.004),and negatively correlated with HDL-C (r=﹣0.402,P<0.01),whereas no relationship with BMI,waist circumference,blood pressure,and TG (P>0.05). In multivariate logistic regression analysis,the level of DAS28 and disease duration were found to be independent risk factors for MetS (P<0.05). Conclusion JIA was not significantly associated with MetS ,but the level of DAS28 was associated with an increased risk of MetS,suggesting that Inflammatory activity in patients with JIA may play an important role in MetS.?/html>


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-07-26