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Risk Factors and Mechanism of?oronary Microvascular Dysfunction
李威亚1 马欢2 耿庆山 12
(1. 广东省心血管病研究所 ,广东 广州 510080;2. 广东省人民医院心血管内科 ,广东 广州 510080)
LI Weiya1 MA Huan2 GENG Qingshan12?/html>
(1.Guangdong Cardiovascular Institute,Guangzhou 510080,Guangdong,China; 2.Department of Cardiology,Guangdong Provincial Peoples Hospital,Guangzhou 510080, Guangdong,China)
Coronary microvascular dysfunction Risk factors Mechanism
Coronary microvascular refers to the microvessels that play an important role in the physiological regulation of myocardial perfusion,which are responsible for regulating blood flow distribution,meeting the needs of myocardial metabolism and regulating peripheral vascular resistance. Coronary microvascular dysfunction (CMD) is a disease caused by abnormal structure and function of coronary microcirculation,such as structural changes of coronary microcirculation,sparse vascular bed,systolic and diastolic dysfunction,microvasospasm,microvascular obstruction and so on. CMD and many cardiovascular diseases interact with each other,and increase the risk of cardiovascular events. Hypertension,diabetes,obesity and hyperlipidemia,aging,smoking and inflammation can induce CMD. Female,anxiety and depression,special diseases and occupation-related risk factors are suspected risk factors of CMD. This article will summarize the risk factors and pathogenesis of CMD.


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