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Signal Transduction Mechanism Related to Platelet Activation
张鹏 刘东升 张俊峰
(上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院心血管内科,上海 201900)
ZHANG Peng LIU Dongsheng ZHANG Junfeng
(Department of Cardiology,Shanghai Ninth Peoples Hospital,Shanghai JiaoTong University School of Medicine,Shanghai 201900,China)
Platelet activation Signal transduction Adhesion receptors G-protein-coupled receptors Antiplatelet drugs
The formation of arterial thrombosis is a extremely complex pathophysiological process,which involves the interaction between platelets,blood vessels and the coagulation and anticoagulation system,and platelet activation plays a crucial role in the formation of arterial thrombosis.By reviewing the recent literatures and combining with the latest research results,we reviewed the signal transduction process related to platelet activation with adhesion receptor and G-protein-coupled receptor as the core,as well as the clinical application and research of antiplatelet drugs.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2020-12-21