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Research Progress on Preoperative Pre-Rehabilitation of Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery
廖芳 张米莉 吴民俊 罗勇
(成都市第三人民医院心脏大血管外科,四川 成都 610031)
LIAO FangZHANG MiliWU MingjunLUO Yong
(Department of Cardiovascular SurgeryThe Third People’s Hospital of ChengduChengdu 610031SichuanChina)
Preventive rehabilitationPreoperative managementCardiac surgery
Pre-rehabilitation is a new concept of preoperative management based on accelerated recovery surgery,which provides comprehensive physical,psychological and nutritional intervention to patients before surgery,so as to improve the preoperative state of patients,reduce surgical risks,and speed up postoperative recovery. At present,it has been carried out in many disciplines abroad and in Taiwan,China,but there are few studies in the field of cardiovascular disease surgery. This article reviews the necessity and main contents of prerehabilitation in cardiac surgery patients,and the influencing factors of prerehabilitation in the cardiovascular field,in order to provide a theoretical basis for medical staff in China to improve the prognosis of cardiac surgery patients through prerehabilitation.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2025-03-11