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Application of Edoxaban in Cardiovascular Disease
许溪麟1 李小明2
(1.山西医科大学山西 太原 030000;2.山西省心血管病医院心血管内科,山西 太原 030000)
XU Xilin1LI Xiaoming2
?1.Second Hospital of Shanxi Medical UniversityTaiyuan 030000,Shanxi,China; 2.Department of Cardiology,Shanxi Cardiovascular HospitalTaiyuan 030000,Shanxi,China)
EdoxabanNon-valvular atrial fibrillationNon-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulantsCardiovascular disease
Edoxaban,a new oral anticoagulant,as a direct factor Xa inhibitor,has the advantages of rapid oral absorption,small interaction between drug and food,no routine monitoring of coagulation indicators,good tolerance,safety and compliance. Although it has been on the market late,it is more and more widely used in the clinical practice of cardiovascular disease. This article reviews the research progress of edoxaban in cardiovascular disease


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-06-28