 YU Yang,TIAN Junping,DU Fenghe.Value of Ambulatory Electrocardiography in Diagnosis of Coronary Artery Disease[J].Advances in Cardiovascular Diseases,2015,(6):695-699.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-3934.2015.06.010]





Value of Ambulatory Electrocardiography in Diagnosis of Coronary Artery Disease
首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院心内科, 北京 100050
YU Yang TIAN Junping DU Fenghe
Department of Cardiology, Beijing Tian Tan Hospital, Capital Medical University,Beijing 100050,China
动态心电图 冠心病 心率变异性 QT间期离散度
ambulatory electrocardiography coronary artery disease heart rate variability QT interval dispersion
Coronary artery disease(CAD)is highly common, and is projected to be the leading global cause of death and disability. It is very important to diagnose CAD early and correctly. Ambulatory electrocardiography, a screening method for CAD, is non-invasive, simple and an inexpensive way to identify the myocardial ischemia, as compared with other examinations. Recently, many researchers studied the relationship between ambulatory electrocardiography and CAD, to improve upon the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis for CAD. This review attempts to summarize literature within China and abroad that are related to CAD's dynamic electrocardiogram and clinical applications. As well we aim to seek for a method concerning further research.


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基金项目:北京市保健科研课题项目(13-06) 作者简介:于洋(1990—),住院医师,在读硕士,主要从事心血管疾病研究。Email: yuyang199007@sina.com 通信作者:田俊萍(1976—),副主任医师,博士,主要从事心血管疾病研究。Email:tianjp506@163.com 杜凤和(1954—),主任医师,博士,主要从事颅脑损伤所致心脏病变、缺血预适应现象及机制、高血压等研究。Email:fhduu@sina.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2016-06-20